Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yes I am a NERD...and proud of it!

The term "nerd" is used freely nowadays, but I remember when being a nerd was a not only a lifestyle but a status, if you were a nerd then you wouldn't meet "chicks" and will live a lonely life. Probably you will work on some computer business type of work and you will make lots of money, but still you would meet "chicks". And I am an old school nerd, since I was little I was obsessed with video games. It started when my parents got me and my brother an Atari 2600, since then I was hooked. I still played outside, and we still rode our bikes once in a while, but with the arrival of the NES at my house those stuff got shoved under the "this stuff takes away from my gaming time" rug. So obviously I got a GameBoy. Yes the old white huge brick, and a clear one. And those shades of green was the best thing since sliced bread. I could play games on the go. Then came the Sega Genesis, and the SNES. Me and my brother had both. We still played outside and rode our bikes, but we had to make up time for that.

Then Sony comes out with this thing called a "Play Station?", worst name ever. But still we got it, well my brother did. My cousin got the Sega Saturn but that system didn't pan out that well. But then I got the N64 and Goldeneye, and that was college life awesomeness. Every year I would get hooked more and more on video games, and the love for graphic design. This lead to my love for photography anyways. Then came the PS2, the Sega Dreamcast and the Gamecube. And those where the days. Never got into the Xbox bandwagon because I thought that Microsoft was going to drop the ball on that one. But as it turned out it wasn't that bad so they came up with the new version, the Xbox360. And achievements, and now I am still hooked on games, even more so now that I can buy the games that I want without asking my parents for money.

But I had never loved a video games series more than Mario (and all the different iterations of that franchise) until I put it this new game called Gears of War on my brand new Xbox360. It was love at first chainsaw kill. I got so hooked in that game that I finished it in 2 days. And then came back for more and more. So then I read somewhere that they were coming out with novels inspired on Gears of War, novels that would expand the story and the universe, and I had to have them. I read every page of those books like a fat kid goes trough a cupcake (I am fat so its okay for me to use the "F" word). I devoured them, and then they came out with Gears of War 2. Better graphics, more story, and awesomeness all around. I was in heaven. A few books came out that expanded the story even more. And of course I got them and read them. And all of that lead to this day, September 20, 2011, a day that will always live on forever as "The Day Gears of War 3 came out".

I had preordered the game, but the store had me for the regular edition. But since I had the Limited editions to both previous games it wouldn't be right to just buy the regular one, so Thank The Stars I found one. I of course bought it without hesitation. And here it is, the unboxing of the best Gears of War Limited Edition box (yes, I did a photo shoot on a video game box). Hope you enjoy these.

Complete box, front and back respectively.
Without the jacket (left), it splits open (right). That is the video game disc right there.
You pull the top part and you have the Octus Medal granted to Adam Fenix for his work on the Hammer of Dawn (left), You pull out the disc box and under it is a C.O.G. Flag (right)
Cog flag unfolded (left).
Inside of the flag there was all this stuff. Adam Fenix last will, schematics for the Hammer of Dawn, two pictures (he looks like Marcus on the bottom one), a letter he wrote to Marcus when he was younger, and the Octus Medal "diploma".
Again, Yes I did a photo shoot on a video game box. Some people have cars, others have motorcycles. I have photography, bicycles, and video games. Yes I am a nerd, and even thought I cant play the game yet (because I have a photo shoot in about 1 hour from posting this, and if I put it in the console I wont be able to go), I cant wait to do so. Brothers until the end, because we are all stranded now. See you in the battle field, I'll bring my Lancer Rifle. I told you I was a nerd.

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