It's been a while since I made a post on a blog, or even made a blog post for that matter, and it kinds of feel strange but familiar at the same time. The main reason that I took down the Blog was because I didn't have the time to update it regularly. Sometimes it was just lazyness, other times was because I didn't have anything to blog about. And I sincerely apologize for it.
From now on I plan on "blogging" at least once a week, may it be about the latest photo shoot I am planning at the moment or the latest photo shoot that I have done, sneak peaks, equipment reviews, things that are going around in my life, or stuff as trivial as what movie I watched. I know, I know, I am making promises but this time I plan on keeping them. So I hope you are back again with us for the ride. I sincerely hope it will be a good one.